In honor of National Vietnam War Veterans Day, the City of Worcester Veterans Services Division is hosting a Vietnam Veterans Recognition Day event with a wreath-laying ceremony.
Posted: Wednesday 03/26/25
The City of Worcester announced Monday that the Frances Perkins Branch will be closed to the public as of March 24 for radon testing.
Posted: Monday 03/24/25
The City of Worcester Cultural Development Division (CDD) announced Wednesday updates to the Special Event Permitting process that include a streamlined application form, improved coordination, and fewer permits and fees.
Posted: Wednesday 03/19/25
More Announcements...
The City of Worcester's Veterans Services Division is hosting a Vietnam Veterans Recognition Day event with a wreath-laying ceremony on Saturday, March 29, at 12 p.m. at the Vietnam Memorial in Green Hill Park....
Posted: Thursday 03/27/25 10:00 AM
Join us for a free event Friday, March 28, at 6:30 p.m. to learn how native plants can boost biodiversity, ecological health, and climate resilience--right in your own yard and neighborhood. Learn what to plant and where to begin with real case studies in New England....
Posted: Wednesday 03/26/25 4:30 PM
Follow the Great Fishing at Coes Reservoir!...
Posted: Wednesday 03/26/25 11:29 AM
City Council 03/25/2025
Posted: Tuesday 03/25/25 6:30 PM
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Verify that there is no change (i.e. all information listed on your Census form is correct) on your 2025 Voter Registration Information System Validation and Annual Street Listing Form.
Licenses are issued each year, expiring on March 31. The renewal period for said licenses begins April 1 and goes until May 31. Licenses renewed after the renewal period may be subject to a late fee.
The City of Worcester DPW – Parks, Recreation & Cemetery Division respectfully requests that all Fall/Winter decorations, flowers, fences and/or religious objects be removed from the lots including the Children's Garden by Sunday, April 6, 2025.
You may search the City of Worcester Tax Payment database for Excise, Personal Property and Real Estate net tax payments per calendar year.
The Winter Parking Ban is designed to keep streets open, safe and essential traffic moving during snow storms. The PERMANENT BAN will remain in effect from December 1st through April 30th.
More Seasonal Information...
When: Thursday 03/27/25 6:00 PM
Where: Stearns Tavern, 72 Coes Street
When: Thursday 03/27/25 6:30 PM
Where: Parks, Recreation and Cemetery Division Building, 50 Officer Manny Familia Way
When: Friday 03/28/25 12:30 PM
Where: Virtual Meeting
When: Monday 03/31/25 5:00 PM
Where: City Hall, Esther Howland Chamber, 455 Main Street
When: Monday 03/31/25 5:00 PM
Where: City Hall, Esther Howland Chamber, 455 Main Street
More Events...
Use this online form to submit a report of discrimination, bias, harassment or excessive force to the Executive Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion's Investigations Division.
Informing Worcester is the City's open data portal where all interested parties can obtain public information at no cost. Explore, visualize and download City of Worcester, MA data!
The Mobility Action Plan aims to enhance our transportation network by better supporting safe, equitable and sustainable mobility choices.
The city-wide speed limit in Worcester has been reduced to 25 mph in thickly settled or business districts in an effort to make our streets safer for all users.
Welcome to the country's most vibrant and livable mid-sized city! With a population of more than 200,000 and more than 35,000 college students, Worcester is the second largest city in New England. Centrally located, the City is under an hour from Boston, Providence and Hartford.
Learn more about the "Heart of the Commonwealth."